The quality controlled derived upper air observations are defined as 'output data'. The output data will be made available as Open Data via the KNMI Data Portal in an ICAO SWIM compliant format in the middle of 2024 and is under development.
As of 2021 EMADDC is a module of the EUMETNET Aircraft Based Observation program (E-ABO). EUMETNET Members are provided access to the data via SFTP after signing an NDA.
ECMWF signed a Data Sharing Agreement with EMADDC in June 2020.
The aircraft as a sensor
Partners that supply surveillance data are provided access to the SFTP server on request and after signing an NDA.
The EMADDC project team is very lean and hence the primary focus is on developing a robust operational system and data portal.
Data provision to other partners started in the middle of 2022. On a case by case basis exceptions can be made by the EMADDC team.
EMADDC output data is available in CSV and BUFR format via SFTP.
The EMADDC Data Formats page contains a description of the data formats and examples of the output files.
The EMADDC EDR API page contains a description of a (restricted) API for data users.
The output data contains the derived observations as well as some original 'raw' data such as time, location and altitude. Due to restrictions imposed by the data suppliers not all raw data is being made available.
The aircraft id in the output data is anonymised due to restrictions imposed by several data suppliers. The EMADDC team is coordinating with data suppliers to see if this restriction can be lifted. An overview of data providers and the code used in the ASCII and BUFR files is provided on the page Data Supplier Codes.
The page Terms and Conditions for Use contains information regarding the NDA and the use of the EMADDC data. An update of the terms and conditons for use is foreseen in 2024.
EMADDC is still being developed and this results from time to time in major upgrades of the processing software. An overview of the EMADDC versions is provided under Release Notes.